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Our team recently completed a project for a client who wanted to create an ecommerce store to sell their products. We provided a full suite of services ranging from web design to branding. We worked with the client to create a website that was tailored to their needs and provided a user-friendly experience. We also provided branding services to help the client stand out from their competitors. Through our work, we were able to create an ecommerce store that was both visually appealing and easy to use for customers.


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Este es un gran espacio para escribir textos extensos sobre su empresa y sus servicios. Puede utilizar este espacio para entrar un poco más en detalle sobre su empresa. 

Services We Provided:
  • Branding

     - Color Pallet (To go with many of the products sold)

     - Logo Design (Emote nature, farm to table aspect of the freshness & quality)

     - Business cards (with scannable QR code that directs to website)

     - Business flyers (to distribute at catering events and food fairs)


  • Developed Website and e-Commerce Store

     - Organized products into 8 categories

     - Over 130 product pages created

     - Optimized photos client provided for enhanced web presence


  • Copy

     - Helped write & revise content for site and added call to actions


  • Ongoing Website Maintenance

     - Add new products and photos as their online store expands

     - Seasonal content changes to keep the site current

       (Add featured products according to different holidays)

     - Analysis reports of web traffic and other sales data

Want to journey through the design process and see how we can do the same for you?
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